Pipe Welding Machines AL 400

87 out of 100 based on 24 user ratings
$1,000.00 In stock
Not a happy camper - by , April 1, 2011
1/ 5stars
The lamp burned out and now I have to replace it.
Pipe Welding Machines AL 400
Pipe Welding Machines AL 400

AL 400

Pipe Welding Machines AL 400

Types of pipes for welding     PE - PP                    
Maximum wall thickness for welding (nominal pressure)      PN 32
Heater electric power  380 V - 4.5 kW
Trimmer electric power 380 V - 0.75 kW  
Electric power of the hydraulic unit 380 V - 0.55 kW 
Electrical system triple phase
Total electricity consumption  5.8 kW
Operating pressure   130 bar
Required generator power 10 kVA


160 мм
180 мм
200 мм
225 мм
250 мм
280 мм
315 мм
355 мм
400 мм
Barcha xususiyatlar Narxlarni tekshiring
87 out of 100 based on 24 user ratings
$1,000.00 In stock
Not a happy camper - by , April 1, 2011
1/ 5stars
The lamp burned out and now I have to replace it.


160 мм 180 мм 200 мм 225 мм 250 мм 280 мм 315 мм 355 мм 400 мм

Types of pipes for welding     PE - PP                    
Maximum wall thickness for welding (nominal pressure)      PN 32
Heater electric power  380 V - 4.5 kW
Trimmer electric power 380 V - 0.75 kW  
Electric power of the hydraulic unit 380 V - 0.55 kW 
Electrical system triple phase
Total electricity consumption  5.8 kW
Operating pressure   130 bar
Required generator power 10 kVA


160 мм
180 мм
200 мм
225 мм
250 мм
280 мм
315 мм
355 мм
400 мм

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